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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Ask Molly

Dear Molly,

I have a terribly embarrassing problem. When I sniff the ground, my ears hang so low that I frequently step on them.  I can handle the pain, but I fear that the poodle next door is laughing at me.

Please help,

Norbert the Bloodhound

Dear Norbert,
Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow?

You could pull your ears back into a pony tail, but that would probably be even more embarrassing.
You have an important and potentially dangerous job patrolling the neighborhood. SQRLs and gophers are everywhere.

Hold your head high and be proud. You are upholding the noble reputation of the bloodhound. A pinched ear is the price that heroes such as us sometimes have to pay.

With a proud salute,