Hey, ho, it's Molly back again.
We just finished an inspiring meeting with Kate concerning marketing my humans's book
Temporary Address. Kate told us how she got a loan for a house in the days when women couldn't get loans from banks. She did it by sheer cussedness, asking and asking and asking and finally assuming an existing loan from a couple who needed to move out of their house in a hurry. My human used to be like that. She used to be able to just keep working and working on a project until she finally got it done. But now, alas, she's a bit of a wuss, so it's all up to me.
Kate had an idea similar to mine. She suggested contacting radio personalities who might like to see
Temporary Address succeed. As you know, I've already contacted Bo, President Obama's dog, and I've contacted Nancy Pelosi.
I have to go now. It's dinner time, and I do have priorities.
It's Molly, afk (away from keyboard)