Temporary Address

Temporary Address

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Molly Chroicles - Molly's Great Success

What a tremendous experience! I'm stoked, elated, thrilled, wagging my tail to bits. It happened out in my garden. My human said, "Molly, go backyard," and of course, being a border collie I did just that. She pointed to the right, and, straight as an arrow, faster than a speeding I bullet, I ran for the fence. More powerful than a locomotive, my mighty jaw snapped, and the gopher was history. I looked up pleased with my prey in my mouth.
My human said, "good job, Molly," and gave me meatballs and the last of the ice cream and a nice marrow bone to chew on, but she threw the best part, the gopher, into the garbage while I was eating a meatball. Humans have no sense of gourmet dining.

Molly signing off.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

No. Begin Now

I just wrote this:

“Another bad dream?” Sandy asked.
She nodded.
“Tell me about it.”
She shivered and hugged her arms across her chest. “Not yet. Just one more day.”
Sandy gazed at her intently. Outside a cricket chirped twice and somewhere a motor hummed in the distance. “No,” he said.
She hugged her arms tighter around her chest. Her eyes grew wide in horror.
“No.” He met her gaze. “This is too important.”
He spoke very slowly, and his words gained power with each breath.  “No. Your spirit now resides in a lonely hollow. You can’t see water, or mountains or sunsets.  Laughter doesn’t touch you. There is no beauty, no love. Those things that nourish our souls don’t touch you.” 
"You are the hunted, the prey, the food of every , boogie man, goblin, and and evil spirit that haunts the human mind. With each day, the hollow deepens.And the boogie man's grip grows stronger on your heart. Each day your spirit dies a little."
How could he know this? He spoke the truths that she wouldn’t admit even to herself.
 “No. Your spirit is important. It is too precious. There's too much at stake.”
He touched her shoulder, his touch strong and gentle at the same time.
“Don’t worry. You’re strong, stronger than you know. Your spirit will triumph, and you’ll laugh and love again. Your work on the earth isn’t done yet.”
“It will take me about five minutes to gather some things. While I do that you can prepare your thoughts. Then we’ll begin.”

Sandy's a Shaman. 

I need a Sandy in my life. - someone to say, "No. Begin now."

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Write a Letter

Here's my two cents' worth for today. Write a letter to someone who lives far away from you. Keep the ties of friendship strong.

I'm not good at writing letters. But when I do it I feel so great.