Temporary Address

Temporary Address

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Molly Chronicles

Whew, what a day! I wouldn't wish it on a cat. First of all, my human took me on two very long walks because we had to get the wheels of the car aligned. Normally, I love very long walks, but we had to walk next to the traffic, and my human made me walk on heel. That meant I couldn't do my important dog work - I couldn't do olfactory reconnaissance of the area. And I couldn't mark my territory. I must say, I did a very good job walking on heel, and my human praised me for my restraint.
After that, my human played a very cruel trick on me. She said we were going for another walk, but we ended up - I can't bear to say it - we ended up at the vet's office, where they poked me and hurt my delicate  body. 
I'm still working on the book cover for Temporary Address (a collie's work is never done.) but the art work is still not uploading. I hired a printer who is very good, but wasn't able to get the art work the correct size. He hasn't responded to my last e-mails and is probably busy chewing on a piece of rawhide. His work is very stressful.
Molly the collie  signing off with a big bow wow to you all.

Temporary Address is now available in paperback and on Kindle.

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Paperback - Lulu.com Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu. e-book, amazon.com, lulu.com, barnesandnoble.com

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Praise for The Molly Chronicles

I love books, and I love dogs. I never thought I’d have this much fun reading a book.  Jury Duty–by a dog! I now love Molly and I need a t-shirt with a picture of this delightful book and her author’s name on the cover!  - Barbara Sher

 More fun than Karaoke or line dancing. Molly is my role model, and my favorite author. And I'm not just saying that because she's a dog.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Molly Chronicles

The Molly Chronicles now available on Amazon.com  Use this link: Molly on Amazon

I hope you enjoy it.

Molly is a dog of great character with a strong sense of duty and a keen eye for the peculiarities of human behavior.  Every pet lover would give a great deal to know what their pet is thinking.  Molly tells it as she sees it and doesn’t pull her punches.  “Jury Duty”, her take on jury service, is a hilarious and insightful angle on a common experience.  With her pride in her ancestry and self-confessed weakness for meat products, who can resist Molly’s appeal?  We are quickly drawn into the compelling story of Alice, Rudy and the mighty Caesar, and treated to a poignant ending. 
Molly writes with impact so that when she takes to Major League Baseball in “Baseball Days”, just as in the courtroom, you feel yourself standing beside her , watching that fearsome ball coming at you or rooting for  your teammates.   Observation of a team-mate’s post-game activities leads to a canine exchange that is both touching and humorous.
Elsewhere in the Chronicles, we learn about Molly’s many canine friends and relatives and her adored human, who Molly views with a deeply-loving but sensible and protective eye.   This is a delightful collection of writings, suitable for dog-lovers of all ages, and I think it would make a very pleasing gift or self-indulgent treat.   I certainly enjoyed it and would like to read more of Molly’s adventures.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Molly Chronicles

Greeting fellow dogs and humans,

This is Molly posting in place of her human. You may remember that two years ago my human and I sat on a jury and I performed admirably, upholding the proud reputation of the Border Collie. Today, I hang my head in shame. I'm sad to report that my human was excused from jury duty. And can you guess what excuse she used? My paws cramp as I write this, and my ears are flat back from the humiliation. She fell asleep in the courtroom!!!

Molly signing off and slinking into the garage.