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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Molly Chroicles

I'm excited to report that my human and I are having a book signing. It will be on Saturday, May 16th, at the Noah's Ark Festival at Christ the Lord Church in Pinole CA. Profits will go to animal rescue organizations. So far we have raised $50 US for the North Bay Humane Society. I hope they use the money to buy liver snacks for their dogs. I'll bet cats would like liver snacks also.

My doggie surprise: Each Monday, my blog will feature "Ask Molly," an advice column. Readers, please feel free to ask questions, and each Monday, I will choose one question and answer it. I hope readers will ask good questions. A good question is one which I can answer. My human might jump in and give her opinion, but you should listen to me and not to her as humans tend to have their own point of view.

Happy thoughts and squirrels,

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Human's Note about "The Molly Chronicles"

Human's Note:

Last year, I finished The Molly Chronicles It's a book of dog humor. Molly, my dog, would tell you that she wrote the book but you shouldn't listen to her because, ever since she won the Gifted Paw Award, she's been way too full of herself.
Anyway, dogs can't write. You know that. I know that. Now if only Molly would accept it - she's just a dog. Border Collies can be so stubborn!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


My human and I are taking the National Novel Writers' Month challenge to write 25,000words in the month of April. I am on track with 20,000 words. (Not easy since I have to type with my nose.) My human has been playing a lot of computer solitaire, but I have been able to coax her into writing as well.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

A doggie surprise coming next week. Molly my overachieving Border Collie plans to start blogging again.

 She's somewhat conceited. And remember that her views do not necessarily represent the opinions of the human who actually set up this blog.

Elaine, the human, signing off with trepidation.