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Monday, May 25, 2015

Ask Molly

Today's question comes from Bill Smyth from London England,

Dear Molly,
I was particularly interested in your account of serving on jury duty. Good show, old girl, I must say. Have you and your human served on a jury since then?

Yours fondly,
Bill Smyth

Dear Bill,

Thank you for your kind praise. As you pointed out, my human and I served on a jury during the trial of Rudy the Car Borrower, and I performed admirably.
Today, I hang my head in shame.We were indeed called to jury duty, and I looked forward to serving my country. I am ashamed to say that my human and I were excused from jury service, but that 's not the worst part. Do you know why we were excused? My human fell asleep in the courtroom. Oh, the humiliation!!!!

Molly signing off and slinking out of sight.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Ask Molly

 Molly Glimme

Greeting dogs,  humans and other creatures. Today's letter comes from  Elizabeth Packsley from New York City. She writes:

Dear Molly,

I heard that you had a book signing last Saturday. How did it go? And where can I get a copy of "The Molly Chronicles?' I couldn't come to your book signing because I live too far away.

Love, Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,

You can buy "The Molly Chronicles" on Amazon. Here is the link:   "The Molly Chronicles"

The book signing was awesome, as you humans would say. I got lots of pets and liver snacks, and we signed my books with personal messages to the nice humans. The book signing was part of the Noah's Ark Festival at Christ the Lord Church in Pinole. They had many interesting smells there including rabbits, chinchillas, hawks, and chickens, which I was not allowed to taste. (All chickens are stupid.)
And one of my readers, Jordan, who is a very kind and helpful girl, gave me some liver snacks and a lot of pets.

Love, Molly

Monday, May 11, 2015

Ask Molly

Inquiring minds want to know:

This question comes from Seattle Washington, Carmen Melaport asks:

Molly, is it true you're having a book signing? I thought only humans can sign books. And where can I buy The Molly Chronicles?  I live too far away to come to your book signing.


Carmen thank you for your excellent question. You can buy The Molly Chronicles on Amazon.com. Here's the link

You're correct  - it is very hard for a dog to write. I have spent many hours perfecting my penmanship. And my human will probably insist on signing the books and hogging all the glory to herself (no disrespect intended to pigs.)

The book signing is scheduled for May 16th 2015 from 10 am. to 2 pm. at Christ the Lord Episcopal Church 592 Tennent Avenue in Pinole CA. There will be a Noah's Ark Festival which will include presentations about birds, reptiles and raptors (birds like hawks, which you shouldn't chase - believe me.) So it will be a lot of fun. There will also be dogs available for adoption. Unfortunately the even is for human visitors only. I get to come because I'm one of the participants.
I will bring cookies and liver snacks.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Ask Molly

Happy Monday to all of you dogs and humans in Internetland.  For those who don't know me, I'm Molly, and each Monday I'll be answering your questions. Inquiring minds want to know. Today's question comes from Judy Greenwald who writes:
     Dear Molly,
I notice that you have kept a svelte figure over the years. Do you have any good tips for me? I should mention that I am a human and not a dog.

   Dear Judy,
In order to stay fit and lovely, you need exercise. I suggest you get a dog. A dog with a good strong work ethic, like a Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, Jack Russell. Your dog will make sure that you get a daily walk. He/she will insist on it and will whine, jump on your stomach and lick your face until you get out there. That is how I keep my human healthy - no easy task, believe me.

   Licks and Tail Wags,