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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gremlins of Mt. Olympus

Whenever a diaper fails, another gremlin gets his boots.

It was a depressing gathering of gophers assembled under the Lindsdorf's front lawn. They'd rototilled a good third of the lush grass into granola-sized dirt clods and were ready to move on to the Snodgrass's petunias. They should have been happy. a job well done. A project accomplished. The head gremlin Macaffee should be proud. The young gremlins should be awarded their boots. For yes, these gophers were, in truth, gremlins in disguise. And what better disguise than the lowly gopher tunneling around and about the family home, unnoticed until - until it's all too late. But the Lindsdorfs planned to tear up the lawn and replace it with a rock garden featuring drought tolerant plants - a more eco-friendly landscape design. They thanked the gophers - the best rototillers ever, and they worked for free. Macaffee was not amused. The gremlins remained barefooted.

Gunther and Theobold thought they had a good one. They'd snuck into the supermarket late one night, and rearranged all the merchandise so that no one could find anything. Proudly, the submitted the results of their hard work to Macaffee, the head gremlin. Surely they'd merit boots for that act of mayhem. But Macaffee merely snorted. It seems that Safeway had been doing the very same thing for years. It seems that when customers can’t easily find what they want, they end up walking up and down the aisles and end up buying more stuff.

Gerome and Kinswaldt had relocated a family of skunks to the Kensler's pantry, causing the family to leave their home for a week of defumigating. That had to be good enough (bad enough) for boots. But no - Macafee pointed out that Bank of America had done the same thing but on a larger and more permanent scale - more stink, more families. And the smell of skunk eventually goes away, but foreclosure is forever.

In short,the bar had been raised this year, standards set higher. Bigger, bolder, dirtier acts of mischief (dirtier than dirt????) were required of the young gremlins. Because this year, they had to compete against the mayhem caused by the leaders of Wall Street.

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