Temporary Address

Temporary Address

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

Hi, I'm back again.

I found one more Australian shepherd I'm related to. It's Cisco's great, great grandson, Sundance. He was named after a human who robbed trains, which was a really bad idea for a name if you ask me.

At that time in Hangtown, there was this place called Kate's Saloon where male humans like to drink orange water and watch female humans kick up their legs and show their crotches.

Kate was the alpha female there, and she had this little frou-frou dog called Madame Fifi. When all the kicking was over, Kate used to bounce to the front and lifte her skirt. Then Madame Fifi would jump out of Kate's undies, do a dog dance and run around to the bar where someone would give her a piece of bacon.

Well, one day, Sundance was taking a dog nap just outside Kate's saloon and he woke up just as Madame Fifi was doing her dance. Madame Fifi smelled good. She smelled really REALLY good. Sundance ran into the saloon, jumped Madame Fifi and enveloped her in a  firm embrace. The humans hollered and tried to grab Sundance, but there was no stopping him, a fool in love.

Kate shrieked. She'd paid a lot money for Madame Fifi, which is a big deal to humans. Sundance got into trouble.

Later Madame Fifi gave birth to five colliedoodles who didn't know anything about sheep.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

My human friend Linda says that I should appologize to chickens everywhere.

Sorry, chickens for saying you're stupid, and for wanting to eat you.

Linda also says that chickens will sometimes faint or play dead when they're in danger, and that's probably what Jessie was doing.

If you want to read about heroic chickens, check out "The Flea Market Manifesto" and it's sequel, "The Last Paparazzo" written by my human Elaine. They are thrill-packed tales of magic, love, and poultry, starring Franklin D. Roostervelt and his paramour, Winnie. My human says it's really a story about humans, but for my money, Franklin and Winnie are the most important characters. Just scroll down past all the "Temporary Address" posts and cluck (chicken humor - ha ha. Get it???) on "The Flea Market Manifesto" or "The Last Paparazzo.  Posts are on the right side of the blog.

Molly signing off.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

It's me, Molly, back again. So I'm learning more about the Australian shepherd side of my family. And remember I told you about Sadie, the Aussie that started - well - read the previous post. It'll tell you who Sadie was.
Cisco was Sadie's son, and, I'm ashamed to say it, was a chicken rustler and a garbage scrounger, but it wasn't his fault. If humans leave garbage at dog nose level, well, what do they expect of us? We're only canine. And besides, back in Cisco's day when the West was wild, all the garbage went for pig slop. Now I ask you, who's more deserving - a noble dog or a blubbery pig?????


And as for the chicken incident, chickens are dumb and they're all peck, plock, cluck, flutter, peck, cluck.
So one day, this hen, Jessie, got out into the carrot patch and was scratching and cluck-plocking.

Well, Cisco ran at the carrot patch with his hackles on chicken alert, just snarling and growling ready to give her what for.

That's when his female human noticed the activity, and instead of praising Cisco for his courage, started calling and yelling and stomping her feet. But for some reason Cisco got a temporary attack of deafness just then, and instead of coming to his human, he gruff-ruffed right at the stupid chicken. (All chickens are stupid.) And he took a bite out of the chicken, and, by the time the human got there, the stupid chicken was lying all soggy and not moving - not so much as a twitch or a flutter. And Cisco was trying to paw the feathers out of his mouth.

Well Cisco's person was furious. We dogs don't understand ALL the words, (Except that border collies and Aussies understand more than most.) but we can understand screaming and hand waving all over the place. By the way, we also understand "shit, shit, shit".

Back in those days, a dog that kills chickens is a dead dog walking, so poor Cisco was dragged back to the farmhouse and tied up to a hitching post for horses. Naturally, Cisco got to chewing on the rope, but, before he could free himself, his human muzzled him with a fat old belt.

That night, the male human came in from the fields and got out his shotgun, and dragged ol' Cisco by the rope to a spot behind the chicken coop.

He really wasn't a bad human. it's just that back then killing chickens was a criminal offense punishable by getting shot.

So this human sat down next to Cisco and scratched his ears and his chest 'cause he really loved Cisco in spit of his failings. But the human knew what he had to do. He picked up the shotgun and took aim and - wouldn't you know it - there was Jessie just a a struttin' and a cluckin' and not dead at all. And acting like she was a smart dog instead of a dumb chicken.

                                                        Jessie - the dumb chicken

So they stuffed a bunch of chicken feathers, and mud, and straw, and more feathers into an old flour sack and tied the sack around Cisco's neck, and Cisco had to drag that old sack around for a week.

After that he left the chickens alone.

But he still got into the garbage once in a while.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

So I've been researching my lineage on Ancestry.com, and, remember, I'm related to the great border collies, Old Hemp, and Mirk, and the world renown Wiston Cap. That's on my father's side. Well, my mother was an Aussie - an Australian shepherd. The funny thing is - no one in the family lived in Australia. They just herded Australian sheep in a place called California.

I can trace my line back to great, great, lots-of-greats, grandmother Sadie, who lived about fifty miles east of Sacramento. That was back in the wild west days. So she and her human Jimmie were out on patrol when suddenly this gopher - the biggest gopher you'd ever want to see - poked his whiskers up from the ground and started giving Sadie some serious attitude. Like  "I dare you to catch me."

Sadie all ready to pounce

In no time at all, Sadie was head deep up to her shoulders in the hole, and brick-orange dirt was flying around like mosquitoes in August. Faster and harder - Sadie kept digging, harder and harder still. Clay, small rocks, chunks of tree roots, they all got launched through the air.

Well, wouldn't you know it - a small rock hit Jimmie Marshall in the head, and when he picked it up, he noticed it was shiny. And that was when he went all discombobulated. He was whoopin' and stompin' and hollerin' like a cow on loco weed, and he ran all the way into town yelling "Gold!!!!  Gold!!!!" So that's how they say James Marshall discovered gold in California.

They never did give Sadie any credit, but I don't think she minded much.

The gopher got away.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

I sprained my nose. Can't type.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

I think I sprained my nose.

Molly signing out.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

                                                                     On gopher patrol.

                                                          Here I am doing reconnaissance.

                                        My eagle eyes and keen instinct detects the enemy's presence.

Demanding work! This takes both skill and patience. So I wait..and wait... and suddenly - I pounce!!!!

My nose hurts.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

Being a dog is harder than you think.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

We went to the creativity group last night. Since I was the one who's been writing "The Molly Chronicles", I got to go in spite of the fact that I'm a dog. Elaine read my blog to everyone, and they said I was very smart. And then I got to show off my dog tricks. Nick and Lissa petted me and told me I was a good dog. I'm a sucker for that stuff.

Have a great day - catch a squirrel.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

People have asked what breed of dog I am. (Dogs don't care about that sort of thing. They just want to know what you smell like.) I have German Shepherd type markings but my colors are more vibrant than a Shepherd's, and some of the hairs on my coat are black on the top and brown or cream at the root. Also, my hind legs don't have the slope that German Shepherd's legs have, and, of course, I'm about half the size of a German Shepherd.

Some kids have asked if I'm a wolf, because of the markings on my face, but I'm not even big enough to be a wolf-dog. I do like to pounce like a coyote when I'm in a field with mice or voles or other scitterish critters.

One thing about me, put me around sheep or goats, and I know exactly what to do - collect them into a circle and bark and nip heels and act bossy until they do what I tell them. So Elaine thinks I might be a border collie or an Australian shepherd or some cross between them. Apparently, these dogs were bred more for their herding ability than their appearance, so even though most border collies are black and white, they can also be tri-colored like me.

And when I was younger, I used to nip heels, but of course I'd never do that now.

So I've been researching my ancestors. I looked on Ancestry.com to find my lineage. And, it's hard to admit, I was afraid of what I'd find. What if my relatives were all chicken thieves, or garbage scroungers, or dumb dogs??????

You see, when I was a young dog, I got thrown in jail. Through no fault of my own, I landed in the pound when I was about ten months old, and that's where my person, Elaine, found me and rescued me. My recollections from before then are sketchy.

Anyway, I looked on Ancestry.com and it turns out I come from noble stock. I'm a border collie. Most border collies are black and white, but they can also be tri-color like me. And border collies are bred for their work with sheep, and not for their looks.

Anyway, I can trace my ancestry back to Old Hemp. He was born in Cambo, Northumberland, in Great Britain in 1893 and died in 1902. He was a tri-color like me, although he was mostly black and white, and was famous for his great style herding sheep. They said he was "almost faultless. He flashed like a meteor accross the sheepdog horizon." Apparently he inherited his great sheep-herding ability from his mother Meg, who controlled the sheep with here eye. His human Adam Telfar called Old Hemp "bluidy marvellous." See, he wasn't roudy and noisy like the other sheep dogs. He was quiet. And he commanded the sheep's respect with his cool demeanor. And, like Meg, with his eye - he could control the sheep with his eye. I know what that means. When I want something and my human doesn't feel like getting it for me, I give her the eye. Sometimes it works.

Because he was so great at herding, Old Hemp sired many puppies. (He got to cat around more than most. That's a cat joke - ha ha - get it?????) And a whole lot of his progeny were champions.

In fact, twenty nine dogs won the Farmer's Championship between 1906 and 1952, and all of them descended from Old Hemp.

One of the most famous was Wiston Cap. He was only twenty-one months old when he ran in the International trials. It gives me goose bumps to think about it. The humans let loose about fifty sheep, and the dog, working solo, had to herd them a half a mile and round them up into a pen. Wiston was only a teen-ager!!!! Imagine it. This trial is so demanding, that a lot of dogs would just lose it. Wiston didn't just finish the trial - he won. It's like a high school freshman quarterbacking for the New York Giants in the Superbowl.

He and his puppies went on to win tons of championships, but it didn't go to their heads. They were just working dogs doing what a dog is supposed to do. And in between championships, they had to keep track of the sheep, and the country around the English/Scottish border is RUGGED. If you don't believe me just read the Hound of the Baskervilles.

Mirk was one of Wiston's puppies. He ---- oops, my human, Elaine's back. Gotta go.
Molly signing off.

Hi Again, Guys,

So I was telling you about the border collies that I'm descended from and I got as far as Mirk, the puppy of the great Wiston Cap. Mirk was entered into a sheepherding trial, and it was so hard that none of the other dogs could finish. See, the gate to the pen was really narrow, and if you've ever worked with sheep - well - they don't cooperate all that well. So Mirk got the sheep up there - fifty sheep - and he looked them square in the eye, and - I'm not kidding - they all lined up single file and just walked into the pen. It's in the history records. You can look it up if you want.

Remember the movie "Babe"? That's where they got the idea for the movie, but Babe was a pretend story. Mirk was real.

So that's the border collie side of my family. I'm going to search the Australian shepherd side next. My human friends Bob and Joe say that I look like an Australian shepherd.

The moral for you humans and dogs out there - don't ever think you're just a mutt. Mutts are great, and everyone, dogs, humans, and even cats have a touch of divine inside of them.

Molly signing off.

The Molly Chronicles

The boys are gone and I'm the only dog in the house now. And it's nice and peaceful. I'll just have a little nap on the couch.

Nice and peaceful.

I'm bored.
Gotta check the back yard. Nothing going on out there.

I'm bored.
I wish I had something to do.

I waaaaaant my dog cousins back.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

The dog cousins came down to visit us, and of course it was up to me to keep them in line. Buddy's pretty easy, but Astro's still a puppy, and gets into trouble any time he can. My human, Elaine, had to put the orchids up high out of Astro's reach. He was pretty good this time and just got into the dental floss and some junk paper that my humans didn't really care about. Also a pencil and an old shoe.

That's a picture of Astro. He's cute, so he gets away with stuff. I'd never chew up the dental floss.

Gotta go. Elaine got some rib bones for us to chew.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

I've been told that calling my human a human is disrespectful. (The complaint was lodged by a human, not by a dog.)
In the interest of peace on the internet, I'll call her "Elaine" instead of "my human".  However, if a human can call me a dog instead of by my given name, I see no reason why I can't do the same with my human  Elaine.

Anyway, no disrespect was intended. I adore her. She is the liver snack in my food dish, the reason to get off the couch in the morning, the most wonderful wonder in my world.

Speaking of liver, we had liver for dinner tonight. Yummmmmmmm!

The Molly Chronicles


We're going on a lousy leash walk around the block today. I am anti-leash law.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

I took my person to dog park today. She needs a walk every day to keep her in tip top shape. And besides, she gets grouchy if she isn't walked every day.

Here I am at dog park.

Some of my friends kicking back.

More horseplay.

This is my favorite part of dog park - The Ground Squirrel Motel. (But I never caught one.)

You can always judge a dog's character by smelling his butt.

Molly's Diary

Shucks, this is easy. I don't know why my human gets so mad at the computer. And she can even type with fingers. I have to use a paw or my nose, which has its advantages. See, she like to eat while she types. So k and i taste like cheese. Yum! kikikikikikikikikikkikik.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mollys Diary

Molly's Diary

I'm bored.

My human is typing stuff when we should be out walking. It's way past time. I tried everything. I gave her my best smile, and I pawed her leg and gave a very respectful mini-woof, and crouched into chase mode, and ran to the front door. But she didn't get it. She just sits there with her computer toy, which is a stupid thing to do because it doesn't smell good or taste good, and you can't chase it and it only makes a plut-plut noise which isn't at all interesting.

I'm a working dog. I was meant for better.