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Temporary Address

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ask Molly

Today’s letter comes from St. Louis Missouri from Buster, (the Basset) Williamson:

Dear Molly,
I know that you frequently go up to the ranch to  help out your human, Tom.  What exactly do you do up there?

Your friend

Dear Buster,

Every evening I have to help my human herd the chickens and turkeys into their coop. You have to be careful with turkeys, and you can’t nip them or bark ta them like you would with sheep (All sheep are stupid.) because they can get all discombobulated and start fluttering all over the place and then it’s just a big mess. (Turkey’s are stupid too. They’re even more stupid than sheep. But not as stupid as chickens) I showed a great aptitude for turkey-herding, and my humans say I’m a very capable herder. 

During the day, I’m the pack leader and as such have to keep an eye on Astro and Buddy the two ranch dogs. We investigate squirrel sightings, dig holes, eat treats that our humans give us, and take naps. It’s always a day full of adventure and wonder up at the ranch.

I’m including some photos.

Ranch chickens that need a chicken-herding dog. 

                                                        Astro, one of the ranch dogs.

Happy tails to all,

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