One Flew Under the Cuckoo’s Nest Part I
Molly: Molly, here, the
overachieving Border Collie and canine
author of “The Molly Chronicles.” Today I’m coming to you from the couch
at the ranch to report on the heroic actions of Tom, who single-handedly
rescued Squawk, a blackbird, from an untimely demise. And here with me is my
human Tom, a retired biologist, a little old man with a
tractor, and an expert at scratching ears. Tom, our readers want to know all
about it. Is it true that you rescued Squawk from almost certain death by cat?
Tom: Is this my cue to
speak, or are you still just babbling? The microphone’s on? Oh right. Well,
ahem . . . Molly . . . ahem, Squawk, a
baby blackbird, apparently, left her nest a little bit early. She could only
fly down. So she was hopping around in the middle of the orchard and just kind
of flying a foot or two at a time.
Molly: And here, sitting
on Tom’s finger is Squawk. Squawk, can you tell us what it was like, falling
out of your nest.
Squa-a-a-a-k, my whole world was
turned upside down. One minute I had my mouth open demanding food from my
mother who was taking her own sweet time. And the next minute I’m hurtling
through space, and no food in sight! Oh, Squa-a-a-a-k! I flapped with every ounce of strength in my
baby wings, but it was all too much for me. And having given a last desperate
flutter, I plummeted to the hard earth below. Frightened, hurt, and lost, I could
think of only one thing. Lunch. I squawked as hard as I could, expecting that
my mother would come to feed me. But she didn’t.
Tom: It was late spring. That’s fledgling season.
So we had a lot of birds making all sorts of noise. We have seven farm cats
and basically this little one was just hopping around the field squawking. She
might as well have been yelling, “eat me. Eat me. Eat me.” So I got out the
seasonal bird cage and incarcerated her - for her own protection.
The ranch dogs understood the bird ban, the cats not so much.
Th bars on the cage were crucial because Squawk had no survival instincts.
Molly: Being one of the ranch dogs, I was informed right away that Squawk was not for eating or chewing or tasting or chasing. Which was unfortunate. If I could have just gotten her alone . . . And I could probably have figured out a way to get a paw into the cage . . .
But, no, I would never disobey my
humans’ commands, especially if they
were watching me.
Tom: Molly, you were
particularly protective of Squawk, I noticed. What were your motives?
Molly: I can’t tell you
about that.
(And no matter what anyone says, the chicken incidents were not
my fault.)
Tom: Ahem . . Molly?
Molly: I’ll ask the questions. Thank you very much.
What kind of a bird is Squawk?
Tom: She’s a common
blackbird, one of many, many blackbirds on the ranch.
Molly: And Squawk is a
Tom: I think so. Yes.
Molly: Inquiring minds
want to know - did she take well to this incarceration? (Allegedly for her
Tom: She was fine as long
as food kept coming.
Molly: Did you feed her
Tom: Nope. Baby food.
Vegetables and meat. I had to formulate something that I could deliver with a
medicine dropper because she didn’t know how to pick up food by herself. It
took her two hours to figure out that I wasn’t just a strange bystander but somebody
who had food. After that, the bond was permanent.
Molly: She adopted you?
Tom: Yup. After the first
uneasy period, she adjusted easily to the new method of feeding.
Molly: And she liked
Tom: It’s hard to say
what she liked. She wasn’t very discriminating at first. Anything that hit her
mouth got swallowed. Even when she was so full that food would come out of her
mouth instead of going in, she would still squawk, asking for more. And she didn’t
know how to pick up food off of the bottom of her cage. I had to hand-feed her
Molly: And, Squawk, what
was it like for you? One minute you were flopping around the orchard . . .
The next thing I knew, a giant claw man reached out and grabbed me. I fought
and pecked and struggled but it was too strong. That claw all but crushed me.
It looked like the end. I feared I’d never taste another worm tail again.
Molly: But that wasn’t the
end, was it?
No, The claw man put me into a cage. Can you even imagine it - a cage! I
protested in the only way I knew how. Squawk. Squa-a-a-w-k.
the next thing I knew, the claw man had a stick and he was trying to force it
down my throat. Can you believe it? Again
I struggled. Weakened by hunger, I tried
to fight the stick. Alas it was to no
avail. But lo! Surprise! the stick had food inside it. And he squirted this
food into my poor starving stomach. Food, glorious food! And not just the
tasteless junk my mother stuffed inside me. This was gourmet. Soft and pasty
and meaty, with just a hint of grains and vegetables. the claw man and I soon
became fast friends. I kept on squawking loudly and just like with my mother,
the more I squawked the more food appeared.
And then one day, I thought I had gone to heaven. The most wonderful
thing in the world happened to me - spaghetti!
Molly: So, Tom, Squawk
took to her new lifestyle?
Tom: She was kind of
focused on the food. As long as it kept on coming she was okay.
Then I got Parker involved feeding her. I think Parker almost killed her with over-feeding and she was quiet for a
Molly: Folks, Parker is a small human who smells like
chocolate. He’s about as tall as I am, and he has very red cheeks, and he likes
to feed animals including me.
Tom: And then one day we
had a breakthrough. She dropped some food that I was trying to feed her and she
jumped down and ate it. It was like potty
training - something they can’t do until they’re ready, and then they
just do it. I was so proud of her. It was a piece of spaghetti, I think. She
seemed to like spaghetti.
Molly: A heart worming
heartwarming story, folks. Love, a man, a bird, and a piece of spaghetti. A
sigh and drool escape my lips as I think about it . . . So, Squawk, you didn’t mind being in a cage?
Not at first. As long as the spaghetti arrived on schedule. But then . . .
Molly: Then what?
Then I grew strong. My wings wanted a chance to fly, to be free. We birds were
not meant to lead a life in prison. We were meant to fly, to soar, to race the
wind rushing by.
Molly: What happened next,
Tom: I let her out of her
Molly: Why?
Tom: ‘Cause she’s a wild bird,
not a pet. She couldn’t develop properly confined to her cage. See, if you’re a
bird, you have to use your wings in order to learn how to fly and not bump
into things. Keeping her caged, it would be like keeping a baby confined to a
bed and expecting him to learn to walk. I let her out when I knew I'd be
Molly: How long did she
stay out?
Tom: At first it was for
a few hours. We didn’t go outside of the
house until she could fly properly. So she just, you know, she just did short sprints
and I was always there to keep the cats away. As long as she had a bowl of food,
it was okay. But then we went outside, and she started going on longer and
longer trips.
Molly: But she’d come
back to you?
Tom: She came back because
I had food. I’d call her.
Molly: How?
Tom: Squawk, squawk,
squa -a -a -a- wk.
And she’d come and I had to have food available. She only came
for the food.
And then one night it happened - what I’d been dreading all
along. It got really late, almost dark, and she didn’t come to her call. And
then it got dark, and she still hadn’t
arrived, so I thought maybe she had been eaten. Probably trying to be friends
with cats. That’s hazardous to a young bird’s health.
Birds don’t fly after dark. There was nothing to do except wait
until the next day.
Molly: I volunteered to
go hunt her down, I mean to go look for her, but my human said to just wait
until morning.
(continued - to be posted when my human finishes playing solitaire.)
Dear Molly,
Dear Wilson Family,
One Flew Under the Cuckoo’s Nest Part II
Molly: Molly, the canine roving reporter here. When we left off last time, Squawk, our blackbird, had
stayed out all night. Tom was worried that she had been eaten. What happened
after that, Tom?
Tom: At dawn the next day, the dogs and I went way down in the
back acre where she found me, and she was excited to see me. Luckily I had the
foresight to bring a chopped up hard-boiled egg.
Where was the spaghetti? That’s what I
wanted to know. You just can’t get good help these days.
Molly: Oh, it looks like Squawk has just joined us. Squawk, tell us your feelings
about staying out all night.
It’s what I was meant to do - to flit from berry to berry, eating my fill of - squawk
- luscious goodness.
Tom: I was beside myself with worry. You see she had gotten
mixed up with this bad crowd. Blackbirds from the seedy side of town.
Squawk: And
flying. OMG flying! Just like an eagle I’m
free. Squawk!!!!! To soar, to race the wind, to tease cats, and get them all hissy, and then to fly up into the clouds. Ha, ha - you can’t catch me
you landlubbers!
Molly: And did you miss Tom and the safe comfortable cage?
Freedom’s just another word for life without spaghetti. Give me liberty or give
me meal worms.
Molly: What does that even mean?
How should I know. I never took history.
Tom: There was a male blackbird
chasing her around. A cocky Romeo with
bright red epaulets. A fancy Dan with a slick squawk, and a eye for the ladies.
You could just tell that he was up to no good
In fact that’s him right over there - the one on the garbage can lid,
strutting around and acting like God’s gift to the world.
Squawk is too young to understand. Too innocent.
Hey, Handsome, see anything you like? Squawk.
Come with me to the Pyracantha bush. We can make beautiful music
Tom: She stayed out all
night a second time. You see, she was mixed in with that bad crowd I told you
about. There was no telling what she’d been up to. Pooping on cars,
dive-bombing the cats, smoking fermented Pyracantha berries. The sweet little
girl I’d raised was growing into someone I didn’t know any more. I was beside
Hey chill, Dad. It’s all good.
Tom: She does have an attitude. Sometimes she’d get
pissed at me when I’d grab her and put her in the cage, and she’d bite my
finger. Or I’d reach in to take her out and she’d try to fly away. But
underneath it all, I know she loves me. Or at least she loves the food I give her.
♫ You ain’t nothing but
a food dish. ♪ Feed
me. Squawk. Sqa-a-a-wk!
Tom: So I grounded her for her own safety - so she
wouldn’t interface with cats or stay out all night. She sort of resented that
and bit my finger.
Molly: Your thoughts, Squawk?
♫ I’m only a bird in a
gilded cage. A prisoner of love. ♪ So hop to the jailhouse rock with me.♫ Squa-a-a-wk
Molly: Is this the end of the story - with Squawk safely in her
cage protected from the dangers and evils of life outside? Or will that
Blackbird Casanova, that Fancy Dan, that red-shouldered gigolo get his way with
Squawk? I fear there is more to come.
The Petition
This is Molly the Border Collie
here. If you’ve been following the
adventures of Squawk the blackbird, you know that Tom has incarcerated her in
the (shudder) bird cage in order to protect her from the bad influences - the
birds from the seedy side of town. Squawk’s blackbird friends have asked me to
write a petition demanding the immediate release of Squawk and to circulate it
on the Internet. If you believe that
blackbirds should fly freely and not be confined to a cage, please add your
Thank you,
Here is the petition:
We, the blackbirds and Border Collie of the ranch demand that
Squawk be released immediately from her unlawful imprisonment in the bird cage
and be allowed to fly freely.
X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X,X, X, X,
(Note: Most of the blackbirds are less intelligent than a Border Collie, and can't write their names, so
they had to sign the petition with X's).
Free the bird. Free the bird. Free the bird.
Signed Walter (the) Pigeon
Free Squawk. I love her. ♫I'm just a bird with intentions so good. Please, don't let me be misunderstood.
Signed Ian Blackbird (the Romeo with the red epaulets.)
Free the bird. Free the bird. Free the bird.
Signed Walter (the) Pigeon
Free Squawk. I love her. ♫I'm just a bird with intentions so good. Please, don't let me be misunderstood.
Signed Ian Blackbird (the Romeo with the red epaulets.)
Ask Molly (Molly's advice column)
Dear Molly,
We’re all so worried about Squawk, Is
she okay? We heard heard that she ran away from home.
The Wilson family,
Karen, Elsa, John and
Molly relaxing from her busy schedule
Dear Wilson Family,
true. Squawk has flown away from home.
And we’re all worried too. Tom is beside
himself. He feels that it's all his fault. We haven’t heard from Squawk for days, and we fear the worst.
Signed (with anxiety,)
One Flew Under the Cuckoo’s Nest Part III
Molly: Molly your roving reported here. I’m back with Tom in the
orchard, and we have bad news. Squawk has flown the coop. Yes,
Squawk is missing. It’s been a week since the last time Tom has seen her, and
we’ve just about given up hope. Tom, do you fear the worst?
Tom: Yes, I do, Molly. Squawk is somewhere out there. She may be
okay, She may be dead. I have no way of knowing. I feel that somehow this is
all my fault. Maybe if I’d kept her in her cage longer, kept her safe. But I
know in my heart that Squawk was meant to fly, to be with other blackbirds. If
only she hadn’t gotten mixed up with that crowd, those . . . those . . .
trailer-trash birds. Squawk is way too good for the likes of them. But, when
all’s said and done, we can’t control what our children do. We just love them,
try to teach them right from wrong, and in the end we let them go and hope for
the best. But . . . I fear the worst.
Molly: I feel Tom’s pain.
And it does look bad for Squawk.
Molly: Who said that?
Tom: It’s her. I’d know that squawk anywhere.
Molly: I see seven or eight blackbirds that look like Squawk
sitting in trees and flying overhead. But which one is Squawk?
Tom: She’s the one over there, about to land on the chicken
coop. A father always knows his own child. Besides, that’s where she always
Molly: Folks, Tom has just confirmed that Squawk has indeed
returned. But will she acknowledge Tom? Will she return to him, or will she fly
Molly: Meanwhile, Tom has gone inside the house, and he’s coming
out now with a small dish of spaghetti.
And he’s coming over here with the dish held up high above his head. Tom,
can you explain what you plan to do.
Tom: Yes, I plan to lure Squawk to me with the spaghetti.
Molly: And then what?
Tom: I just want to know that she’s all right.
Molly: And now Tom is standing in the middle of a poorly
traveled dirt road somewhere in the rural outposts of California holding a small dish of spaghetti in his
hand. All we can do is wait now. All the blackbirds, including the one he
believes to be Squawk, are ignoring
Molly: But wait. The one perched on the chicken coop has lifted
off. She’s flying away. No, she’s coming back. She’s circling. She appears to
have seen Tom and the spaghetti. She’s circling. But will she land? Will she
come back to Tom after all this time?
Yes, she has landed on Tom’s shoulder. She appears to be eying
the spaghetti, and now, she’s flown down to the dish and, yes, folks, she is
eating spaghetti.
Oh, I love spaghetti. Spaghetti, it’s Heaven to me. ♫ Squawk, gobble, burp, squawk. ♫Supper time sup sup sup sup supper time. In the supper time, when all the♫ - oh heck
with the singing slurp, chomp squawk, gobble, burp.
Molly: Amazing! She has come back to Tom and to her first love -
spaghetti. Squawk what are your feelings
at this moment?
It’s food, glorious food. Spaghetti, spaghetti.
I’m a fool for spaghetti.
Molly: Look at that bird eat! And now she’s lifting off. Squawk,
do you have any parting words for us?
I was born to fly, to be free. ♫ I
have to be me. It’s what I have to be. ♪Freedom’s just another thing for squawk, squawk.♫ Tom, you were a good father, and bringer of bird food, but now it’s time for me to fly and
to make my own way in the world, to create my own destiny. Squawk.
Molly: and now she has circled around and landed on Tom’s head. Tom
appears somewhat misty-eyed.
Remember me always. Squa-a-a-a-wk Good bye. Oh, one last thing:
Tom: The !!!!!!!! bird just s ***
ed on my head!
Molly: And with that Squawk is flying away. A bittersweet ending
to the tale. I could have eaten her.
Oops, did I say that out loud? This is Molly your roving reporter signing off.
Good luck and good news, and watch out for birds bearing gifts.
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