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Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Molly Chronicles - Jury Duty

My human and I got summoned for jury duty, and we got assigned to a case. The judge, who is a wise and kind human, asked us not to talk about the trial until it’s over, and I have to respect her wishes. After the trial, I plan to blog about my impression of the human’s justice system. I can tell you this much, however. They don’t hand out Beggin’ Strips or rawhide chews in the courtroom, and you aren’t allowed to pee on the metal detectors.

Molly, signing off.


  1. Enjoyed this entry and all of your courtroom adventure, Molly. What a clever dog to have learned to use the computer as well:) Your human must be very proud.

  2. Thanks, Sandra, Molly appreciates the kind words.
