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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Molly Chronicles - Jury Duty

My human and I got chosen to serve on the jury. My doggie heart beat with the highest sense duty and pride as I raised my right paw and barked my promise to uphold the law and the highest standards of conduct.
Besides the judge and us jurors, there were three other humans in the courtroom. The district attorney’s name was Lester, but I think of him as peanut breath. He’d be good at playing “fetch”.
The defense lawyer, Jerome, was a little old guy with a runny nose. He wore a bow tie and suspenders, and he smelled like Ben Gay. I’ll bet he feeds dogs under the table. (Ha Ha!)
The guy on trial, Rudy, looked like he’d eaten a doggy worming pill (yuck). I wasn’t allowed to smell his butt.
The D. A. said that Rudy had gone for a ride in a car. I can understand that. Going for a ride is one of my favorite things to do. Unfortunately, Rudy had gone for a ride in someone else’s car. In fact, Rudy had gone for rides in several other people’s cars.
Jerome, Rudy’s lawyer, explained that it was all a misunderstanding. Rudy had thought he was borrowing the cars, and not stealing them.
I could understand that too. I have had several similar misunderstandings. There was the ham that my human had left on the counter which I could have sworn she meant for me. And there were several garbage incidents, which were not my fault.
I left the courthouse eager for the next day when Lester would begin calling witnesses. And I was drooling, just thinking about the ham bone.

Molly, signing off with a patriotic salute.

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