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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ask Molly

Today’s "Ask Molly" letter comes from Galveston, Texas. Wynona the Owl writes:

Dear Molly,

I read the letter Winston wrote to you Sept. 9th proclaiming his love for a human.  And I burst into tears. Well, I would have burst into tears if owls had tear ducts. I have carried a torch for Winston for months now. Winston is such a stud. The way he flutters his wings, those twittering noises he makes - they stop my heart and rattle my tail feathers.


 But he doesn’t even know I’m alive. All he sees is that . . . that human! Oh, I can understand his fascination. She’s a kind and sensitive human, quite a catch as humans go.  And beautiful if you go for the featherless look. But she can’t love him the way I do. She doesn’t understand his needs and his desires the way I do. Please, Molly, tell me what to do.

Wynona (but just sign me lovesick)

Dear Lovesick,

Being an owl, Wynona, you have the advantage. Traditionally, male owls begin the courting ritual, but, come on, this is 2015, not 1867. If you want Winston, go get him. Give your wings a hint of a flutter, and give your tail feathers just the tiniest shake. Then, oh so casually, fly in front of Winston - as if you were just stretching your wings - and land beside him. Gently lean into his body and breathe into his ear. You know what to do, girl. Go to it!

Good luck and happy hunting,

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