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Friday, August 9, 2013

Karla's site on Indiegogo

Hello, fellow dog and human friends,

This is Molly the Border Collie, and I want to tell you about Karla, who is a very nice human. She wants to go to school to learn how to do canine hydrotherapy, which is a very good idea. It helps old dogs with stiff joints and other problems.
Unfortunately, the school does not take liver snacks or pigs ears, only money (humans - go figure!)
This is her website: 

Okay, I have to go catch the squirrel.

Molly, signing off.

Note by Molly's human. Molly has not, herself, tried hydrotherapy. Karla, canine hydrotherapy, and Indiegogo are real. And Karla is really trying to raise money for  training.