Temporary Address

Temporary Address

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Molly Chronicles

Our church did a community service in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. My human and I picked up trash from the streets. It was an honor to do this service in memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Plus I got an extra long walk,) By the way, we didn't get a lot of trash. It looks like people are littering a lot less. We still got a lot of cigarette butts. They aren't very big and don't look really trashy, but they pollute worse than regular trash. So don't smoke, but, if you do, pick up your butts.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Molly Chronicles

My human just learned to Tweet. Nothing to do with birds, which are hard to catch. And, for some reason,  I get in trouble for catching chickens.

Anyway, she spent the day on Twitter talking about "Temporary Address" and got some cool ideas for marketing the book. I'm her publicity agent, so I guess I'll be too busy to chase birds. Oh well!