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Friday, August 19, 2011

Great Expectations Chapter XXVIII

To read from the beginning, click the photos on the right.

Chapter XXVIII

Her next web posting was a poem. And, although she’d never admit it, Spiderman inspired the poem.

A Time for Heroes

This is the time that needs heroes.

We need you all on our side -

Corporate criminals, highly placed hypocrites,

For it’s a turnin’ time.

And the water is threatening the dam.

It’s time to rebuild.

It’s time to join up with the masses, the rest of us

Unworthy just like you.

This is the time that needs heroes.

We need you all on our side -

Looters, and cutpurses,

Takers of money – the great and the petty,

For it’s a turnin’ time.

And the wind wants to scatter our souls.

Time to give; time to build.

Time to scatter some kindness for free.

This is the time that needs heroes.

We need you all on our side -

Politicians, and lawyers,

Twisters of truth.

For it’s a turnin’ time.

And the Hell fire knocks at the door.

Turn to honor and justice.

Turn your heart to the wind.

Tell the truth and see God.

For it’s a turnin’ time.

Tell the truth and see God.

We need every man, every woman and child -

The sinner, and righteous,

For it’s a turnin’ time.

We’re all sinners, all righteous.

For it’s a turnin’ time.

God almighty, all loving

Soul, Spirit, Wind, Lifeforce

Show us the way.

Men - strong, noble cowards

Divine, base and glorious.

Turn to the sun;

Turn to green growing greatness.

For it’s a turnin’ time.

Spin your hope, fragile spider webs

Spin, spin and dream,

Spin your hope, strong as spider webs,

Spin, spin and dream.

For this is the time that needs heroes,

And it’s a turnin’ time.

E-mails to the chat room came in almost at once.

Sandy Pumpkin: I liked it. It made me feel hopeful.

Brat: Now tell my bruthers that it’s a turning time.

Spiderman: Never mind Brat’s brothers. Tell the whole world. A turning time project. Imagine the impact we could make!

Jody: A peace project. Interesting! Okay, how do you propose to do it?

Spiderman: Is there any way we could meet? I want to see what you look like.

Johanna: You read my mind. I’d love it. But you probably live two continents away from me. At least our time zones must be close because we’re typing e-mails at the same time.

Spiderman: So where do you live?

Jody: Berkeley, California. How about you?

Spiderman: San Jose, about an hour south of you. What are the odds! That’s not too far away. How about this weekend? We could meet halfway between.

Jody: I guess it should be somewhere with lots of people.

Spiderman: You don’t trust the Spiderman! It’s a sad day when a Superhero has to show credentials.

Jody: Hey, for all you know, I’m an ax murderer, and you need protection from me. Some place with lots of people. That’s non-negotiable.

Spiderman: Okay. Skip the halfway part. How about on the Berkeley campus – twelve noon, at Sather Gate. It’s the only place in Berkeley I’ll be able to find. We can go get lunch, and then, if we can’t think of anything to say to each other, at least we’ll have eaten.

Jody: Okay. What’s your name, when you’re not being Spiderman?

Spiderman: Don’t laugh. It’s Homer Perlman. What’s yours?

Jody: I can see why you go by “Spiderman”. Mine’s Johanna Jacobson. Put a daisy in your lapel or somewhere, so I’ll recognize you. I’ll carry a daisy too. Hey, is anyone else reading this? Brat? Sandy? Shadow? Do you want to come to Berkeley this weekend?

Brat: Mom laid down 3 rules 4 the net – non-negotiable – no addresses & phone #s, no sex talk, & no meeting anybody.

Sandy Pumpkin: 247 Elm Street. If you’re ever in Vancouver, British Columbia, look me up, but California is too far.

Brat: Is Shadow around?

Sandy Pumpkin: Guess not.

Johanna: So, Spiderman, what do you look like?

Spiderman: Red cape, spandex body suit, classic web design – Armani collection.

Johanna: No, really.

Spiderman: Five eleven. Dark blond hair. Not married. Not dating anyone seriously. What about you?

Johanna: I pictured you tall and dark. I’m forty-three. My hair’s almost black, and I have brown eyes. Same thing with relationships. And I know this isn’t a date or anything, but how old are you?

Spiderman: Forty-four. I can imagine your face, but don’t forget the daisy – just in case.

Johanna logged off, and sent a glance up into the air. “Thanks, God,” she said. “I know this isn’t a date, but thanks anyway.”

To read from the beginnning, click the photos on the right.

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