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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Iverson's Vision Quest - chapter 2

Iverson's Vision Quest Chapter 2 (see previous post for Chapter 1)

Now Mr. Kuggleman and Alpo, the Hilliards' Chihuahua had had run-ins before, and this one was the last straw. Mr. Kuggleman had gotten used to quiet while the Hilliard children and dog were on vacation.  First Mr. Kugglemand tried to ignore the yapping. Then he yelled, "shuddup, dog," through the window and threw his sneaker at the fence, and finally, after Alpo had been snarling, growling, barking and whining non-stop for another fifteen minutes, he filed a complaint with Animal control.
     Dorothea Blakeley went to the Hilliard house to investigate. Alpo was at the side fence barking at the hollyhocks and his tail bounced up and down with each bark.
      "I don't know what's wrong," said Jan Hilliard, the Hilliards' mom. "He's been doing that ever since we got back from Canada." She and Dorothea went closer to investigate, and that was the first glimpse any human had ever had of a Canadian tree fairy. (Iverson was pretty drunk on chocolate and not at all careful about keeping hidden from view.)
     From her truck, Dorothea extracted a butterfly net, and, the next thing Iverson knew, he was trapped in a small cage in the pound.  He tried to bite a hole through the mesh, but it was made of cold steel, which provides protection against fairies, as anyone knows, and anyway, the steel was much stronger than Iverson's teeth. Dorothea consulted her supervisor because she'd never caught a fairy before, and wasn't sure what to do with Iverson. Protocol required holding a stray animal for seven days and then either euthanizing it or making it available for adoption; so that's what they did. They fed him crushed cat food. Iverson tried to change it into fillet mignon, but the cold steel dampened his powers and the cat food remained cat food. Still, Iverson managed to choke some of it down to keep up his strength.

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